July 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jul 1 03:48:27 CEST 2005
Ending: Sun Jul 31 23:44:31 CEST 2005
Messages: 339
- desktop background
david at 123four.fsnet.co.uk
- desktop background
david at 123four.fsnet.co.uk
- desktop background
david at 123four.fsnet.co.uk
- desktop background
david at 123four.fsnet.co.uk
- News to XFCE - have a few questoins
Adam Advocaat
- Focus model
Harold Aling
- Shutdown is too easy
- Shutdown is too easy
- What to put in sudoers to shutdown from Xfce?
Adrian Barnes
- File managers
Gerald Barre
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Gerald Barre
- xffm information
Gerald Barre
- Feature idea, would it be something
Johan Bloemberg
- Feature idea, would it be something
Johan Bloemberg
- Alt+Tab only in current virtual desktop
Brad Bonkoski
- Hello
Chris Brault
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Chris Brault
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Chris Brault
- What is the build order of Xfce 4.2.2 from source?
- What is the build order of Xfce 4.2.2 from source?
- Xfce Digest, Vol 20, Issue 17
- What to put in sudoers to shutdown from Xfce?
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Biju Chacko
- Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)
Biju Chacko
- FC-4 installation -
Gavin Chester
- FC-4 installation -
Gavin Chester
- test ignore
Gavin Chester
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Gavin Chester
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Gavin Chester
- panel plugin praise
Gavin Chester
- panel plugin praise
Gavin Chester
- (OT) clipboard - was Re: panel plugin praise
Gavin Chester
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Don Christensen
- menu editor
Lee Connell
- A public plea to the Debian developers
- Can Alt-grab be changed?
Keith Dart
- File managers (was: Re: Hello)
Keith Dart
- File managers
Keith Dart
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Keith Dart
- Focus model
Keith Dart
- Focus model
Keith Dart
- Panel
- Panel
- Shutdown / Reboot Overrides
Kevin Day
- window positioning
- Add menuentry
Matthias Fechner
- Add menuentry
Matthias Fechner
- stacking windows
Luca Fini
- stacking windows
Luca Fini
- making wallpaper span desktops?
Olivier Fourdan
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Olivier Fourdan
- Can Alt-grab be changed?
Olivier Fourdan
- Focus model
Olivier Fourdan
- Focus model
Olivier Fourdan
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Olivier Fourdan
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Edscott Wilson Garcia
- xffm
Edscott Wilson Garcia
- xffm
Edscott Wilson Garcia
- xffm
Edscott Wilson Garcia
- xffm
Edscott Wilson Garcia
- News to XFCE - have a few questoins
Edscott Wilson Garcia
- xffm
Edscott Wilson Garcia
- I'm gonna kill Nautilus!
Jonathan Gardner
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Jonathan Gardner
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Jonathan Gardner
- FC-4 installation -
Bob Goodwin
- FC-4 installation -
Bob Goodwin
- FC-4 installation -
Bob Goodwin
- FC-4 installation -
Bob Goodwin
- FC-4 installation -
Bob Goodwin
- xfce panel forgets -
Bob Goodwin
- xfce panel forgets -
Bob Goodwin
- xfce panel forgets -
Bob Goodwin
- xfce panel forgets -
Bob Goodwin
- Shutdown is too easy
David A. De Graaf
- Shutdown is too easy
David A. De Graaf
- Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)
Chris Green
- Entering accented characters - any xfce keyboard apps.?
Chris Green
- Just an idea...
Myles Green
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Myles Green
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Myles Green
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Myles Green
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Myles Green
- What to put in sudoers to shutdown from Xfce?
Myles Green
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Myles Green
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Myles Green
- desktop background
Andreas J. Guelzow
- Add menuentry
Andreas J. Guelzow
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- Focus model
- Focus model
- Focus model
- Focus model
- Focus model
- Focus model
- [at-xfce-001] Xfce long log in
Erik Harrison
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
Erik Harrison
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
Erik Harrison
- Hello
Erik Harrison
- File managers (was: Re: Hello)
Erik Harrison
- File managers
Erik Harrison
- File managers - Thunar, thunar, thunar!?!?!
Erik Harrison
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Erik Harrison
- xterm's problem
Erik Harrison
- K3b
Erik Harrison
- Question about Terminal in Xfce
Erik Harrison
- panel plugin praise
Erik Harrison
- panel plugin praise
Erik Harrison
- News to XFCE - have a few questoins
Brett I. Holcomb
- What to put in sudoers to shutdown from Xfce?
Brett I. Holcomb
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Lindsay Holmwood
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Lindsay Holmwood
- I'm gonna kill Nautilus!
Jasper Huijsmans
- [at-xfce-001] Xfce long log in
Jasper Huijsmans
- IRC client recommendation please
Jasper Huijsmans
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Jasper Huijsmans
- Lost Panel
Jasper Huijsmans
- xfce panel forgets -
Jasper Huijsmans
- xfce panel forgets -
Jasper Huijsmans
- K3b
Jasper Huijsmans
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.1
Jasper Huijsmans
- Focus model
Jasper Huijsmans
- two-state-launcher in menu?
Jasper Huijsmans
- [xfce4-panel] Not sure if it is relevent to high CPU util of X process
Jasper Huijsmans
- [xfce4-panel] Not sure if it is relevent to high CPU util of X process
Jasper Huijsmans
- desktop background
Jasper Huijsmans
- Panel
Jasper Huijsmans
- Panel
Jasper Huijsmans
- IRC client recommendation please
Peter Humphrey
- IRC client recommendation please
Peter Humphrey
- Thunderbird dictionaries
Peter Humphrey
- Lost Panel
Peter Humphrey
- Hello
Peter Humphrey
- window positioning
Stephan Hässelbarth
- window positioning
Stephan Hässelbarth
- K3b
Stephan Hässelbarth
- K3b
Stephan Hässelbarth
- Feature idea, would it be something
Stephan Hässelbarth
- Feature idea, would it be something
Stephan Hässelbarth
- Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)
Stephan Hässelbarth
- menu editor
Stephan Hässelbarth
- Add menuentry
Stephan Hässelbarth
- Feature idea, would it be something
- xffm
Daichi Kawahata
- xfce i18n mailinglist
Daichi Kawahata
- A public plea to the Debian developers
Thomas de Klein
- Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)
Thomas de Klein
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Auke Kok
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Auke Kok
- [OT] Thunderbird dictionaries
Auke Kok
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Auke Kok
- File managers
Auke Kok
- File managers
Auke Kok
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Auke Kok
- Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)
Auke Kok
- Shutdown is too easy
Auke Kok
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.1
Auke Kok
- Is Xfce-i18n list alive?
Auke Kok
- xfce i18n mailinglist
Auke Kok
- [VERY OT] Broadband connection
Auke Kok
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Auke Kok
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Auke Kok
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Auke Kok
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.1
Auke Kok
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Auke Kok
- two-state-launcher in menu?
Tobias Kretschmer
- Combining the panel and taskbar
- IRC client recommendation please
Stephen Kuhn
- I'm gonna kill Nautilus!
Stephen Kuhn
- Hello
Stephen Kuhn
- Hello
Stephen Kuhn
- Hello
Stephen Kuhn
- Just an idea...
Stephen Kuhn
- Just an idea...
Stephen Kuhn
- Desktop Switcher Problem
Peggy Kutyla
- Feature idea, would it be something
Peggy Kutyla
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Michel Leunen
- OT: tkdesk (was: Re: File managers)
W. Lichtenberger
- Combining the panel and taskbar
Brian Link
- Broadband connection
Stephen Liu
- making wallpaper span desktops?
Net Llama!
- making wallpaper span desktops?
Net Llama!
- File managers
Jens Luedicke
- Hello
Mike Massonnet
- Hello
Mike Massonnet
- Combining the panel and taskbar
Frank McCormick
- xfce-network-panel-plugin logarithmic scale
Erika Meier
- Menu shadows with 4.2.2 and GTK2-2.6.4?
Benedikt Meurer
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
Benedikt Meurer
- A public plea to the Debian developers
Benedikt Meurer
- A public plea to the Debian developers
Benedikt Meurer
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Benedikt Meurer
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Benedikt Meurer
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Benedikt Meurer
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Benedikt Meurer
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Benedikt Meurer
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Benedikt Meurer
- Shutdown is too easy
Benedikt Meurer
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Benedikt Meurer
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Benedikt Meurer
- Shutdown / Reboot Overrides
Benedikt Meurer
- desktop background
Benedikt Meurer
- Add menuentry
Benedikt Meurer
- Add menuentry
Benedikt Meurer
- panel plugin praise
Benedikt Meurer
- (OT) clipboard - was Re: panel plugin praise
Benedikt Meurer
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Leunen Michel
- FC-4 installation -
Bruce Miller
- File managers
Misu Moldovan
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Misu Moldovan
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Misu Moldovan
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Misu Moldovan
- $SHARE/xfwm4/defaults
Rinaldi J. Montessi
- File managers
Rinaldi J. Montessi
- OT: tkdesk
Rinaldi J. Montessi
- K3b
Luis Felipe Strano Moraes
- K3b
Luis Felipe Strano Moraes
- K3b
Luis Felipe Strano Moraes
- K3b
Luis Felipe Strano Moraes
- K3b
Luis Felipe Strano Moraes
- IRC client recommendation please
Miquel Oliete
- Focus model
Yves-Alexis Perez
- Focus model
Yves-Alexis Perez
- Combining the panel and taskbar
Yves-Alexis Perez
- Panel
Yves-Alexis Perez
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Yves-Alexis Perez
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Yves-Alexis Perez
- Question about Terminal in Xfce
- Error while compiling Terminal-0.2.4 for Solaris 8
- Alt+Tab only in current virtual desktop
Sebastiano Pomata
- Alt+Tab only in current virtual desktop
Sebastiano Pomata
- window positioning
Kai Raven
- Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)
Heinrich Rebehn
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Sami Samhuri
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Sami Samhuri
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Nick Schermer
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Maximilian Schleiss
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Maximilian Schleiss
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Maximilian Schleiss
- Menu shadows with 4.2.2 and GTK2-2.6.4?
John Shane
- I'm gonna kill Nautilus!
John Shane
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
John Shane
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
John Shane
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
John Shane
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
John Shane
- Feature idea, would it be something
John Shane
- Lost Panel
Rich Shepard
- Lost Panel
Rich Shepard
- stacking windows
Bob Snyder
- [xfce4-panel] Not sure if it is relevent to high CPU util of X process
Wei-Tsun Sun
- [xfce4-panel] Not sure if it is relevent to high CPU util of X process
Wei-Tsun Sun
- Error while compiling Terminal-0.2.4 for Solaris 8
Wei-Tsun Sun
- Weird Mixer Behavior
Kp2 Sushi
- I'm gonna kill Nautilus!
Paul Tansom
- I'm gonna kill Nautilus!
Paul Tansom
- making wallpaper span desktops?
Brian J. Tarricone
- Restarting alsasound causes xfce4-panel to disappear and the theme to change
Brian J. Tarricone
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Brian J. Tarricone
- What is the build order of Xfce 4.2.2 from source?
Brian J. Tarricone
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
Brian J. Tarricone
- Focus model
Brian J. Tarricone
- News to XFCE - have a few questoins
Brian J. Tarricone
- xfce i18n mailinglist
Brian J. Tarricone
- xfce i18n mailinglist
Brian J. Tarricone
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Brian J. Tarricone
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Brian J. Tarricone
- panel plugin praise
Brian J. Tarricone
- What to put in sudoers to shutdown from Xfce?
Brian J. Tarricone
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Brian J. Tarricone
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Brian J. Tarricone
- [at-xfce-001] Xfce long log in
Amichai Teumim
- File managers - Thunar, thunar, thunar!?!?!
Amichai Teumim
- File managers - Thunar, thunar, thunar!?!?!
Amichai Teumim
- xffm
Amichai Teumim
- xffm
Amichai Teumim
- xffm
Amichai Teumim
- xffm
Amichai Teumim
- Feature idea, would it be something
Amichai Teumim
- Shutdown is too easy
Amichai Teumim
- FC-4 installation -
Matt Thompson
- Shutdown is too easy
Alexander Toresson
- Error while compiling Terminal-0.2.4 for Solaris 8
Alexander Toresson
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Alexander Toresson
- xfce.org/lunar-linux.org server nearly hacked
Alexander Toresson
- desktop background
Alexander Toresson
- Combining the panel and taskbar
Alexander Toresson
- Xfce ML FAQ - v0.2
Alexander Toresson
- Xfce Digest, Vol 20, Issue 43
Alexander Toresson
- Combining the panel and taskbar
Alexander Toresson
- Desktop Switcher Problem
Dennis J. Tuchler
- Desktop Switcher Problem (Thankyou)
Dennis J. Tuchler
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Dennis J. Tuchler
- xffm information
Dennis J. Tuchler
- K3b
Jean-François Wauthy
- K3b
Jean-François Wauthy
- menu editor
Jean-François Wauthy
- Shutdown is too easy
Jean-François Wauthy
- menu editor
Jean-François Wauthy
- Is Xfce-i18n list alive?
Jean-François Wauthy
- desktop background
Jean-François Wauthy
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
Mark Weinem
- A public plea to the Debian developers
Patrick Wiseman
- (lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui
Samuel Wright
- Hello
- File managers
- OT: tkdesk (was: Re: File managers)
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
- Xfce Digest, Vol 20, Issue 43
- Shutdown is too easy
brettholcomb at bellsouth.net
- Shutdown is too easy
brettholcomb at bellsouth.net
- Shutdown is too easy
- Shutdown is too easy
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
edscott wilson garcia
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
edscott wilson garcia
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
edscott wilson garcia
- File managers (ROX Deficit)
edscott wilson garcia
- IRC client recommendation please
- xterm's problem
- Inaccurate system load plugin
- Xfmedia 0.8.0 released!
- Just an idea...
- Just an idea...
- Focus model
- Feature idea, would it be something
- Just an idea...
- Feature idea, would it be something
- Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)
- Question about Terminal in Xfce
- Focus model
- Focus model
- Focus model
- Focus model
- Focus model
- making wallpaper span desktops?
Last message date:
Sun Jul 31 23:44:31 CEST 2005
Archived on: Sat Jul 23 11:23:45 CEST 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).