File managers (ROX Deficit)

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at
Tue Jul 12 19:52:34 CEST 2005

Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> ROXs listview isn't based on GtkTreeView, but its some custom hack, 
> which lacks a11y support and it doesn't look right with most probably 
> every existing theme, so its really not suitable for a comparison.

And of course that was wrong. ;-)

Just checked ROX 2.2, and they really use GtkTreeView now. I still had 
in mind that they had their own view, even with gtk2. And the fact that 
it doesn't look right is based on the problem that they set their own 
foreground color for the tree renderers instead of using the color 
specified by the users Gtk theme. Same for the selected item color.

So, ROX in list-mode would indeed be suitable for a comparison.


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