
Svein Halvor Halvorsen svein-xfce at halvorsen.cc
Thu Jul 7 14:14:41 CEST 2005

* Jasper Huijsmans [2005-07-07 11:25 +0200]
>  There should be a layered system consisting of:
>  1) Kiosk settings (if applicable)
>  2) System confifuration
>  3) User configuration
>  Using the resource lookup functions in libxfce4util, this should not be hard
>  to implement. I have actually no idea how many components are already doing
>  this right. It's probably best to direct follow-up discussion to xfce4-dev.

* Biju Chacko [2005-07-07 14:59 +0530]
>  I'd suggest that you file bug reports on this. *Not* working in the way 
>  you describe is definitely broken.

Unfortunately, I don't know alot about the xfce developement process, how 
to correctly submit a bug report, what format this report should have, 
etc. If patches are expected to come with the report, I would have even a 
greater problem filing such a report.

I also have little time to spend in actually providing any code. I am 
sorry to take this stand, as I know xfce is all about the voluntary work 
of others, and I'd hate to come along demaning features, and not having 
the opportunity to actually contribute myself. 

As we'd like to have our new desktop environment set up for the next 
semester starting in august, I think we will just do the skel-thing, 
copying in a default setup for new users. Especially since we'd like to 
alter the default focus behaviour as well. 

However, I'd really like to see a system similar to what Jasper suggests.
I as a sysadmin could just setup my own config, and then just copy my user 
config to the system config dir, and everything would work out nice. 

Best regards, 
Svein Halvor

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