Shutdown is too easy
David A. De Graaf
dad at
Wed Jul 20 17:38:44 CEST 2005
On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 10:08:58AM +0200, Jean-Fran?ois Wauthy wrote:
> Le mardi 19 juillet 2005 à 23:33 -0400, David A. De Graaf a écrit :
> > The 'exit' popup window offers three choices:
> > - Quit current session
> > - Reboot the computer
> > - Turn off the computer
> >
> > The convenience of single clicking to shut down the computer is vastly
> > exceeded by the danger. I would like to delete or disable this
> > third option. Such an irreversible action should take more effort.
> >
> > In preparation for a trip, I was experimenting with running a VNC
> > connection from a laptop over an SSH tunnel to my main home computer.
> > (XFCE works great in this configuration!) However, I accidentally clicked
> > "Turn off the computer". Luckily I was sitting at home and could push
> > the power button to turn it back on, but the thought of doing this while
> > away from home is too scary to think about.
> >
> > Is there a way to remove this dangerous option?
> >
> IIRC the only way to stop the system whithout any further confirmation
> is by setting sudo to not ask password for the current user for at
> least /sbin/halt, /sbin/reboot/ and /sbin/shutdown
> so i'd say configure sudo to ask you a password when you try to shutdown
> the system...
You have diagnosed my problem perfectly. Thank you, Jean-François
I had configured sudo to let me do everything (pretty dumb, I know):
This includes whatever command is used by the shutdown cartoon.
However an attempt to exclude shutdown failed to restrict it:
dad datium=PASSWD: /sbin/shutdown, NOPASSWD: ALL
I either misunderstand the man page for 'sudoers' (which is the
epitome of incomprehensibility), or the shutdown icon mysteriously
uses some command other than /sbin/shutdown. (Sometimes I really hate
GUI interfaces!)
In any case, I've removed all interventions with sudo and now XFCE
shuts down as it should - by requiring a password.
David A. De Graaf DATIX, Inc. Hendersonville, NC
dad at
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