stacking windows

Bob Snyder bob.snyder at
Thu Jul 7 04:44:02 CEST 2005

Luca Fini wrote:

>I must start a program from an OpenOffice presentation.
>The mechanism provided works perfectly, but i cannot see the window opened 
>by my program because the presentation page cover the full screen (as it 
>must) and the opened window remains below.
>What I think I need is some argument to be given to the program so that 
>the window is forced to come on top of the topmost window.
>I'm using xfce 4.2.0 on a linux Fedora Core 3.
>I'd appreciate any hint.
>Many thanks,
> 					l.f.

Have you tried the window manager preferences to give new windows the 
focus and to raise windows when they receive focus?

Bob S.

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