Desktop Switcher Problem

Peggy Kutyla peggy.kutyla at
Thu Jul 7 18:37:10 CEST 2005

Dennis J. Tuchler a écrit :


> Somehow, I deleted the desktop-switcher from my toolbar.  It had the four 
> desktops arranged like a square (two up, two down) and each square disclosed 
> the icon of the application open in that area.
> I tried to replace it, but all I got was a desktop switcher which has no 
> windows for icons and arranges itself in a horizontal row.  The properties 
> menu for that switcher has no configuration options.
> How do I get back the original desktop switcher described in the first 
> paragraph?

There are 2 pagers: a graphical one and another.
Choose the graphical one.
> Thanks
> dj tuchler


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