Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)

Thomas de Klein Thomas at
Tue Jul 19 22:58:37 CEST 2005

Am Tue, 19 Jul 2005 schrieb Stephan Hässelbarth:

> Contents of the folder ~/Desktop/Autostart will be executed on XFCE4
> startup. Normally, it is sufficient to make some links pointing to the
> executables. In my case, I have korgac, torsmo, lineakd, skippy,
> devilspie and iconbox in there.  IIRC, you can even place a shell
> script there, if you need a more ambivalent handling.

It would be perfect if there was some way to tell stuff in there (or any
App for that matter) on which Workspace it should start. IceWM can do
that if I remember correctly. 

Do any of you know how to accomplish that with xfce?


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