A public plea to the Debian developers

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Wed Jul 6 00:14:19 CEST 2005

Thomas de Klein wrote:
>>PLEASE get xfce 4.2 into the Debian testing distribution!  What is taking 
>>so long?
> Does anybody has a clue what happend to http://www.os-works.com/debian.
> Up to a few weeks ago they had regular updates. I cant find any hint on
> why they stopped.

The idea was to have the 4.2 stable branch maintained in the regular 
distributions and provide updates of the core packages once 4.3 is in 
usable state (non-core stuff like xfmedia, libexo, terminal, etc. is 
still updated regularly). Now, the 4.2 packages were imported into 
Ubuntu universe some time ago. And 4.2 should also be in Debian testing 
in the not so far future as well.

> Regards
> Thomas


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