Starting App on specific Desktop (Was Re: Feature idea, would it be something)

Auke Kok sofar at
Wed Jul 20 09:17:24 CEST 2005

Heinrich Rebehn wrote:

>Stephan Hässelbarth wrote:
>>Thomas de Klein wrote:
>>>It would be perfect if there was some way to tell stuff in there (or any
>>>App for that matter) on which Workspace it should start. IceWM can do
>>>that if I remember correctly. 
>>>Do any of you know how to accomplish that with xfce?
>>Yep, there is devilspie ( The syntax is a 
>>little bit uncomfortable, but it works. I was pointed to this program on this list a few days ago.
>Or use sawfish as window manager. It has a nice gui for configuring 
>application startup.

or just leave your applications on the proper desktop and save your
session when logging out, as the session-manager remembers the desktops
that the applications were on. No need to fiddle with devilspie and
replacing xfwm4.

[this item should be in the FAQ IMHO... ping fuzzbox?]


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