Lost Panel

Peter Humphrey prh at gotadsl.co.uk
Fri Jul 8 12:26:01 CEST 2005

Jasper Huijsmans wrote:

>Op do, 07-07-2005 te 07:15 -0700, schreef Rich Shepard:
>>   I'm running 4.2.1 here. When I invoked 'startx' this morning (an alias for
>>startxfce4), everything but the panel came up. In the years I've run Xfce
>>I've not seen this behavior before. How do I get the panel back?
>Try running xfce4-panel and save your session when you log out. No idea
>why this would happen though :(
>If it doesn't work, check if xfce4-panel is running and kill it before
>trying again.

Recently I decided to sweep away my Xfce4 installation and reinstall it,
but keeping my /home partition. I emerged xfce-base/xfce4 and
xfce-base/xfce4-extras, and when I started xfce I had no desktop. It was
easily fixed, of course, but it does seem that something mysterious is
going on.

Peter Humphrey
Linux Counter 5290, Aug 93.

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