File managers (ROX Deficit)

Misu Moldovan dumol at
Wed Jul 13 08:58:01 CEST 2005

Benedikt Meurer wrote:

> Just checked ROX 2.2, and they really use GtkTreeView now. I still had 
> in mind that they had their own view, even with gtk2. And the fact that 
> it doesn't look right is based on the problem that they set their own 
> foreground color for the tree renderers instead of using the color 
> specified by the users Gtk theme. Same for the selected item color.

AFAIK the problem with ROX and Gtk themes has two aspects:

1) ROX uses the bg[NORMAL] color where base[NORMAL] should be use; this
is solvable in the themes' gtkrc file by defining a custom style. So in
a theme with entries that look like this:

style "default"
  bg[NORMAL] = { 0.259, 0.286, 0.329 }

[snip lots of irrelevant entries]

  base[NORMAL] = { 0.188, 0.200, 0.220 }

you have to add a custom style that remaps the color for base[NORMAL] to

style "rox" = "default"
  bg[NORMAL]    = { 0.188, 0.200, 0.220 }

2) The foreground color for the "Shell comand" entry is hardcoded to
black. This i have no idea if it's solvable in gtkrc.

Any ideas welcomed, I'm running ROX with a custom dark GTK theme and the
only issue I have is with the foreground color of the shell command.


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