menu editor

Stephan Hässelbarth videns at
Wed Jul 20 12:35:27 CEST 2005

Jean-François Wauthy wrote:
>>i ran the menu editor and it has < include > system where i really have
>>"development, network, system" etc.... i wanted to edit these menu's items.  
>>How do i do that?  I opened up menu.xml and it is exactly as menu editor 
>>displays, where is it getting the info to display these menus?
> the system menu is autogenerated by xfdesktop using the .desktop files
> present (mainly) in {$prefix}/share/applications/ the only way to edit
> it is to change the content of this directory; this method is a bit
> hacky but i'm afraid it's the only one available

No, you can create a xml file (called e.g. manual_menu.xml) and let this one be included in 
menu.xml. Unfortunately, you can't edit this one with the menu editor, you'll have to use an 
external one...

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