(lite) distro using xfce as main/defualt gui

Myles Green rmg57 at telus.net
Thu Jul 21 18:41:58 CEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-21-07 at 18:20 +0200, Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Depends on how you define 'dead'. I discussed this with jdub some
> time 
> ago and the idea was to import the Xfld packages into Ubuntu (which
> was 
> done for hoary), and then release a Xubu distribution ala Kubuntu
> based 
> on the packages and the Ubuntu core. Maybe there'll also be another
> Xfld 
> release, but that'll be based on Xubu then. Anyways, new Xfld
> releases 
> will only happen for major Xfce releases, as minor releases are only 
> bugfix releases.

OK, thanks for clearing that up.


Robert M. Green :: Calgary AB Canada
Debian GNU/Linux Unstable "Sid"
"Linux *is* user-friendly, it's just 
picky about who it's friends are!"
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