Thunar 1.6.3

Victor Rodriguez vm.rod25 at
Thu Dec 18 21:04:43 CET 2014

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mardorf at> wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:50:23 +0000, Victor Rodriguez wrote:
>> The minimal packages required for XFCE ( at least in my Linux from
>> scratch) are:
>> libwnck
>> xfce4-panel
>> xfce4-settings
>> xfce4-session
>> xfwm4
>> xfdesktop
>> xfce4-appfinder
>> gtk-xfce-engine
>> tumbler
>> Thunar
>> at-spi2-atk
>> at-spi2-core
>> iceauth
>> libpng
>> xfce4-terminal
>> polkit
>> upower
>> tango-icon-theme
>> clearsans-fonts
>> xauth
>> xinit
>> xrdb
>> xfce4-dev-tools
>> libxfce4util
>> xfconf
>> cairo
>> harfbuzz
>> pango
>> jpeg
>> atk
>> gdk-pixbuf
>> gtk+
>> libxfce4ui
>> garcon
>> exo
> Where should I start and where should I stop with my critic?

Wherever you want , as long as it helps to clarify and solve the main
problem, debugging is hard jobs. Is hard to know from where could the
perspective that give you the solution :)

> Tumbler? I bet you even has got crap as gvfs installed.

Depends on the functionality you want for YOUR distro

> xfce4-terminal?
My mistake you are more than right is not necessary to make XFCE works
, but I can not have a graphical interface like XFCE without a
functional terminal

> Do you think Xfce4 wont run assumed xfce4-terminal isn't installed, but
> instead a replacement, such as (for good reasons) roxterm? I "suspect"
> it would run even without a GUI terminal emulation ;).
> You can modify Xfce4 to your work-flow, to your needs. What you posted
> as "minimal requirements" isn't true.

You are right I commit a mistake, is not true. I listed the packages I
have for my own OS as XFCE pattern, but yes, they are not the minimal

The "minimal requirements" depend
> to the needs, the kind of work-flow of the user.


> At least for my Arch Linux and my personal computer usage, I've got
> completely other minimal requirements, than yours. Are you sure how to
> build a Linux from scratch with minimal dependencies?

Sort of, as you say it always depends on the requirements you have for your OS

In case you have forgotten, this mailing list is done to help others
to fix a problem , and to ask or criticize  the expertise of someone


Victor Rodriguez

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