Thunar 1.6.3

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Thu Dec 18 18:15:48 CET 2014

On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:50:23 +0000, Victor Rodriguez wrote:
> The minimal packages required for XFCE ( at least in my Linux from
> scratch) are:
> libwnck
> xfce4-panel
> xfce4-settings
> xfce4-session
> xfwm4
> xfdesktop
> xfce4-appfinder
> gtk-xfce-engine
> tumbler
> Thunar
> at-spi2-atk
> at-spi2-core
> iceauth
> libpng
> xfce4-terminal
> polkit
> upower
> tango-icon-theme
> clearsans-fonts
> xauth
> xinit
> xrdb
> xfce4-dev-tools
> libxfce4util
> xfconf
> cairo
> harfbuzz
> pango
> jpeg
> atk
> gdk-pixbuf
> gtk+
> libxfce4ui
> garcon
> exo

Where should I start and where should I stop with my critic?

Tumbler? I bet you even has got crap as gvfs installed.


Do you think Xfce4 wont run assumed xfce4-terminal isn't installed, but
instead a replacement, such as (for good reasons) roxterm? I "suspect"
it would run even without a GUI terminal emulation ;).

You can modify Xfce4 to your work-flow, to your needs. What you posted
as "minimal requirements" isn't true. The "minimal requirements" depend
to the needs, the kind of work-flow of the user.

At least for my Arch Linux and my personal computer usage, I've got
completely other minimal requirements, than yours. Are you sure how to
build a Linux from scratch with minimal dependencies?

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