Questions about Mousepad and Bugzilla

Matthew Brush mbrush at
Fri Aug 31 02:08:49 CEST 2012


Once in a while I check in on Mousepad bugs on the bug tracker, since I 
had previously done some sort of large changes on the new Mousepad, I'm 
sufficiently familiar with the sources. So I had a few random questions 
in no particular order:

1. (@Nick) do you want me to be Mousepad "maintainer"? I currently don't 
get notifications from Bugzilla and don't get assigned any bugs 
automatically. It's fine with me to make these happen if you want.

2. Is Erik Harrison still around, and if that is you, do you still like 
to hack on (new) Mousepad?

3. Since Mousepad was re-written from scratch, what to do about all the 
old bugs which have no relevance whatsoever to the new sources? Once the 
new Mousepad is released, should all the old bugs just be closed?

4. How long are XFCE apps' old version usually supported? For example, 
would someone apply bug fixes to the old Leafpad fork of Mousepad when 
that code base is entirely obsoleted by the re-write?

5. How to use Bugzilla to get a list of: "Bugs related to the new 
re-write of Mousepad in chronological order".

Thanks for any help.

Matthew Brush

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