Thunar 1.6.3

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Sun Dec 21 18:56:15 CET 2014

On Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:13:40 +0100, Hartmut Haase wrote:
> am I a Ubuntu One user?

On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:22:06 +0100, Hartmut Haase wrote:
> Xubuntu 14.04, Xfce 4.10

So yes and no. Xubuntu likely removes the Ubuntu spyware, but Xubuntu
is an official *buntu, IOW part of the official repositories.

"In the most situations, it is easiest to file a bug by opening a new
Terminal and type ubuntu-bug package-name, where package-name is the
package you want to file bug against." -

You should read the information about filing a bug completely, I can't
do it for you ;).

Assumed there already was something provided by this thread, that is
required for filing a bug, you should post a link to the Xfce general
mailing list archive post/s:

"Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Mihamina Rakotomandimby
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Victor Rodriguez
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Victor Rodriguez
Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf
Thunar 1.6.3   Victor Rodriguez
Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf
Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf
Thunar 1.6.3   Victor Rodriguez
Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf
Thunar 1.6.3   Hartmut Haase
An off-topic PS: Thunar 1.6.3   Ralf Mardorf" -


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