An off-topic PS: Thunar 1.6.3

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Sun Dec 21 12:25:10 CET 2014

I usually use a terminal emulation (roxterm instead of xfce4-terminal)
instead of a file browser. It happens seldom that I use a file manger,
but if I need one, I more often use Xfe instead of Thunar.

So as a temporarily workaround consider to use Xfe.

Ubuntu provides a German Wiki about Xfe:

I neither use a *buntu, nor did I read the Wiki ;).

Another temporarily workaround might be usage of Midnight Commander and
assumed you want to mount drives by a mouse click, than perhaps Rodent
is what you want. Rodent by the way can mount drives by a click, without
the need to have the ugly, bad and broken gvfs installed and IIRC RMS
[1] contributes to it and/or is an user, but regarding RMS I might
be mistaken.


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