How to stop liferea from auto-running?

killermoehre at killermoehre at
Wed Dec 10 14:52:50 CET 2014

10. Dezember 2014 07:41 Uhr, "brian" <brian at> schrieb: 
> Hi all,
> I have the misfortune to live where satellite internet, with its
> metered bandwidth, is my only option for internet access. For that
> reason, I need to prevent liferea from auto-starting when I log on,
> and I've just not been able to find how to do it.
> I'm using Debian Wheezy 64-bit, and that means XFCE 4.8 (according to
> the 'About XFCE' option). I have checked under settings | session and
> startup, and liferea is NOT selected there to autostart, or to restart
> in a new session. I've also checked the liferea man pages and EVERY
> tab in its configuration, and I can find nothing which suggests that
> it should autostart.
> Can anybody point me in the right direction? Having to go straight to
> the system monitor and abort liferea and all the wgets which have been
> queued by the time I get there is getting to be a bit of a PITA.
> Thanks,
> Brian.

Hi Brian,

liferea is probably in your session. Log out, delete ~/.cache/sessions/ log in back.


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