Is there a youtube-dl Panel plugine?

Genghis Khan genghiskhan at
Fri Nov 23 20:39:09 CET 2012


Search the WWW
I can use the following bash script to search the WWW (it is like smart
bookmarks of web browsers such as Epiphany and Midori):

exo-open --launch WebBrowser "$1&ls=a"

Where the sigh $1 is replaced by a given string/word.

Download Videos
Which quality and format do you prefer?

You can save this script into a file and drag and drop to it video links

youtube-dl $1 -f 5

This script will download lowest quality video to home directory.

On Fri, 23 Nov 2012 20:25:38 +0100
houghi <houghi at> wrote:

> Is there a youtube-dl plugin available?
> What I would like is an applet where I can drag a URL from firefox so
> it will download using youtube-dl to a specific directory. Does this
> excist or does anybody have something already made that he likes to
> share?
> I searched, but found nothing. Ubnfortunatly my programming skills do
> not excist, so writing it myself is not an option.
> I am able to do some bash scripting.
> houghi

Proper English
4 teh lulz...

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