border sensitivity

Sergio sergiocmailbox-xfce at
Fri Nov 16 01:33:53 CET 2012

--- Em qui, 15/11/12, Ray Andrews <rayandrews at> escreveu:

> De: Ray Andrews <rayandrews at>
> Assunto: Re: border sensitivity
> Para: xfce at
> Data: Quinta-feira, 15 de Novembro de 2012, 21:46
> On 15/11/12 10:12 AM, Maximilien Noal
> wrote:
> > 
> > A xfwm4 is "just" a bunch of images plus a themerc file
> describing options.
> > 
> > I did mine in one day with Gimp and Leafpad (of course
> it wasn't perfect, but it worked). I copied a xfwm4 theme
> from /usr/share in ~/.themes/, renamed, and started
> tweaking. ;-)
> Very interesting!  I've been poking around, and I see
> what you mean.  This is nothing like I expected, I
> thought there would be commands for everything, not just
> images. But the .xpm files seem to be commands of some sort,
> not 'pure' images.  I did some experiments and made a
> few changes to the look.  But how can I find out how to
> edit these intelligently? There must be a doc somewhere.

Just a tip. I find editing small xpm images best with mtpaint. It's much lighter than Gimp and when you zoom the image you get a grid with individual pixels that makes it easy if you don't use gradients.
If you use gradients it must be easy too as long as you know how to work with mtpaint for that :-p
Of course for very small images you can create a gradient pixel by pixel.

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