Taking another peek...

Steven Maddox (Cyorxamp) s.maddox at cyorxamp.info
Tue Oct 21 23:27:11 CEST 2008

>> - There was no 'Drawer' equivalent...  as in put launchers in the 
>> sliding drawer, and that on the panel (like Gnome).
> If there is no such plugin (and I think you're right here), you can
> still try to use xfce4-xfapplet-plugin to use the drawer plugin from
Cool, I didn't know you could do that - sounds like it'll be very handy 
indeed.  Don't suppose anyone on this list has had success stories with 
it and the kinds of things they've been able to 'bring over' to XFCE 
from the gnome panel and how they did it?
>> - There was no decent Menu Editor (like Alacarte in gnome) that used
>> the freedesktop.org specification.
> Correct. Xfce < 4.6 used a pseudo-standard menu system. 4.6 will have
> good (but incomplete) support for the fd.o menu specification. In 4.2
> and 4.4 there was a menu editor for the menu system used at that time,
> but in 4.6 there is none. And this kind of makes sense because menu
> editing (technically this is 'merging') is exactly the feature that
> is not implemented in the new libxfce4menu.
So let me get this straight, the way 4.2 and 4.4 did menus along with 
the original menu editor is dead and buried.  4.6 is now based solely on 
fd.o and not it's own fairy land menu system.  Does this mean that like 
in Alacarte, I can make changes and it'll only affect my panel and not 
others logging into the system?

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