default desktop layout

Roel van den Berg rvdnberg at
Mon Oct 13 22:37:15 CEST 2008

Op Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:03:41 -0400
schreef "Stephan Arts" <stephan at>:
> Nothing keeping anyone from changing it... I'd prefer to keep it
> CDE-style.
> We already have a problem explaining to people XFCE is NOT a stripped
> Gnome. Lets stick to the roots, the FOSS CDE-like DE Olivier
> originally had in mind.
> The two-panel layout might be sub-optimal, but it is something that
> xfce has been identified with for over 10 years. In that time, the
> flexibility of xfce has improved and nothing is keeping people from
> moving stuff around.
> But the default should imho resemble CDE.

Good reasons. On a sidenote, I think it's strange for such an
"industrial standard" to defaultly have a left- and right-bottom "dead
corner". If the default bottom-panel was left- or right-aligned, that
would be more efficient, windows could be usefully placed there. Still,
I understand your point.

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