Xfce 4.14 pre3 scheduled for 28th of July

Jota Random prflr88 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 19:36:02 CEST 2019

El mar., 16 de julio de 2019 07:09, Simon Steinbeiss <simon at xfce.org>

> Hi RD!
> Awesome! There is likely no need to build from source as the distro you
> mention is quite up-to-date with Xfce 4.14.
> Regarding screenshots and release notes, you can take a look at the 4.12
> tour and release notes for reference.
> https://xfce.org/about/tour
> https://xfce.org/download/changelogs/4.12
> https://xfce.org/about/news/?post=1425081600
> That's what we're striving to (re)create for 4.14.
> The core is the list of "important changes" and then for the tour the
> features that can be visualised (obviously not everything can be easily
> visualised).
> I can send you a private email and grant you preliminary access to the WIP
> pages.
> Cheers
> Simon
> RD <amerigena at gmail.com> schrieb am Di., 16. Juli 2019, 13:02:
>> Simon,
>> What is involved in compiling screenshots and editing release notes? I
>> would like to get involved doing that for the 4.14 release, if possible.
>> And would this be feasible running the latest 19.10 Xubuntu build, or would
>> I need to build from source? Thank you.
>> On 7/15/19 7:17 PM, Simon Steinbeiss wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I briefly wanted to inform you that the release team has decided to move
>> forward with the Xfce 4.14 pre3 release (
>> https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.14/xfce_4.14pre3), which is scheduled in
>> a little less than two weeks from now.
>> While pre3 was optional, we had already seen several core component
>> maintainers opt-in for another pre-release, making our decision an easy
>> one. Furthermore a little additional time to compile release notes and
>> screenshots for the tour cannot hurt.
>> We're still aiming for the Xfce 4.14 final release to take place in the
>> first half of August, so nothing has changed with respect to our release
>> roadmap (https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.14/roadmap).
>> If anyone from the community wants to support the final release by
>> editing release notes, compiling screenshots etc please get in touch! Most
>> of the people doing these things are also busy fixing bugs and releasing
>> components, so helping hands are more than welcome.
>> Cheers
>> Simon
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Dont forget mention of deprecated modules like gtk-xfce-engine (and the
package with gtk2 themes ¿xfce-themes?) on the official anouncement if they
are... sometimes disyros dront drop packages unless the dev told them or
just break

Also maybe a new default wallpaper (and updated xfce4-arwork alongside)?

And look if libxfce4ui still need gtk2, Arch still compile and depend those

The three would be mention if Greybird is or not is recommended as default
theme (maybe recomend distros package it?)

And last what next? Is take us 5(?) Years from gtk2 to gtk3 so what of
ourselves for gtk3 to gtk4 now that they want a "fast release model"??
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