Visibility / accessibility of the appfinder

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Wed Feb 4 23:59:28 CET 2009

David Mohr wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> today's post to the xfce list made me think that the question often
> comes up about how to add applications to launchers. Maybe it would be
> a good way to make the appfinder more prominently visible in the
> default installation. I guess I'm thinking of a default entry on the
> panel, or maybe in the xfce menu.
> I think this would help a lot of novice users. If it was on the panel,
> then people who don't use it could very easily remove it (in
> difference to the menu). What do you guys think?
> ~David

Just a note,

The laucher reacts to .desktop files you can instead of using the
appfinder also do this:

thunar /usr/share/applications

then drag and drop to the launcer.

Best regards,


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