Thunar / libexo: detailed view

Petr Zelenka zelenp at
Sun Mar 2 14:42:39 CET 2008

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Peter de Ridder <peter at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm thinking to create patch for thunar/libexo detailed view, concerning the
> rubber band selection and drag-n-drop.
> As you might know it the detailed view inconsistent with the other views in
> thunar.
> This is because the detailed/tree view doesn't have a background (between
> items, it does at the far bottom).
>  With the patch i want to create such a background space on the item rows,
> so you can start rubber band selection there and drag-n-drop on the other
> parts of the row.
> I have thought of some ways to do it, but i would like discuss it, as, with
> gui no solution is a perfect solution.
> Different ideas:
> 1. Specify a column as drag column, the other columns are used for rubber
> band
> 2. The part of a column that has the actual text rendered  is the drag part
> of the row the empty parts is for rubber banding
>  3. Combination of both 1 and 2, only the rendered part of the drag column
> is for dragging
> 4. Leave it as it is and don't bother ;)
> Pros / Cons:
> 1. If only one column is shown or all columns which are shown are used for
> dragging, we need to fall back to the current behavior or rubber banding
> isn't possible, this gives inconsistency.
> 2. With text of different lengths and not filling the column it is easy to
> click at the wrong location.
>  3. Combination of 1 and 2.
> 4. Lack of improvement.
> Considerations:
> - There doesn't have to be a choice made between 1 and 2 (the combi will
> make 3) since this could be mode fields.
> - This problem doesn't only count for rubber banding and drag and drop, it
> also counts for context menu of the parent folder. Should this have the same
> behavior?
>  - If a row is selected should the complete row become drag-n-drop, or just
> as specified by 1, 2 or 3 so rubber banding can be start on a selected row.
> Greeting,
> Peter

Hi Peter,

Here is one point of view from the user perspective.

Having a detailed view, I do not see much reason in having "rubber
band selection" at all. In fact, situations when I click and drag in
detailed view and the rubber band selection starts (Thunar 0.8.0 here)
are driving me nuts. Instead I have to select the item first and than
click and drag again. Rubber banding makes IMHO sense in those cases,
where items are spread across and I want to "build a fence" around
them. Detailed view, as I see it, is not that case.

What behavior I would like to have? No rubber banding in detailed
view, drag and drop works immediately (click and drag, not click,
click and drag), multiple selection using shift and/or ctrl.

But as I have already written, it is just one user's view.

Nice Sunday,

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