google summer of code

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Tue Feb 26 21:11:31 CET 2008

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> Jelle de Jong wrote:
>> Is it possible to help mentoring from a remote country, so i don't have 
>> to go to google, if it is possible to do this from my university or my 
>> work place in the Netherlands I would be happy to mentor some of the 
>> projects.
> Google's program terms don't require any travel at all on the part of 
> the mentors or the students.
> However, I'm not sure that I'd feel comfortable with someone mentoring 
> who has not been all that involved with Xfce.  If you are currently a 
> student, perhaps you could present a proposal for a project to do 
> yourself as a participant in GSoC?  If you're not a student, you could 
> always add your project ideas to the wiki, and another student could 
> pick them up.
>> I do have large list of things that i want to discus because I currently 
>> disagree with some of the implementation strategy for the projects.
> Why have we not heard about these before?  I do recall you posting here 
> in the past, but I don't remember any discussions coming out of it.

All true, I will definitely make some work out of it very soon, I am now 
guiding a few student projects around xfce on my university.

I wanted to talk about a lot of things on fosdem 2008 but finding the 
right people was a bit hard. I found everybody that I needed to speak to 
except the xfce you guys :-p.

On this moment I have to finish some documentation for emdebian first 
than I will start working on xfce again.

Kind regards,


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