ktsuss 1.2 released

David B. Cortarello nomius at users.berlios.de
Tue Sep 4 01:47:47 CEST 2007

I spoke here once about ktsuss (a graphical version of su) as an
alternative to gksu.
Today I just released version 1.2. If anyone wants to download it,
this is the place to do it:

Suggestions, bug reports, etc are welcome.

David B. Cortarello <nomius`at`users`dot`berlios`dot`de>
Weblog: http://nomius.blogspot.com
Kwort Linux: http://www.kwort.org
Jabber: nomius at jis.mit.edu

"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about
telescopes." - Edsger Dijkstra

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