terminal Segmentation fault

Eduard Roccatello eduard at xfce.org
Wed Feb 8 00:28:42 CET 2006

Brian J. Tarricone ha scritto:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 1/11/2006 12:54 PM, Alexander Toresson wrote:
>> Yes. They are two separate terminal emulators developed by two
>> different people. Your comfusion probably comes from that the Debian
>> Xfce package maintainers renamed Terminal to xfce4-terminal, as they
>> hadn't heard about xfce4-terminal (xfce4-terminal is dead, it hasn't
>> seen commits for a really long time) and Terminal is a really bad name
>> for a package.
> Eduard,
> Are you planning on working on xfce4-terminal anymore?  If not, could we
> maybe remove it from Xfce SVN?  It's causing a lot of confusion, and I
> don't see this situation getting any better.
I'm sorry for late answer... I've been really busy these days (yeah 
since a lot :-)
xfce4-terminal will be mainteined as soon as possible. I've some patch 
to apply and i just need time to hack into.
I hope to work on it in few days :-)

Just gimme a week and i'll commit something ;-)

Thank you for your patience!
And thanks for everything else!!!!


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