[warning: probably ot] 'Virtual' xinerama support in Xfwm4?

Harold Aling h.aling at home.nl
Fri Dec 22 21:55:38 CET 2006

> Does Twinview allow you to maximize on a per-monitor basis?
> It's been a while since I used Xinerama, and I've never used Twinview.
> My understanding is that the window manager is not even aware of
> the presence of two monitors, but I could be wrong on that.
Xfwm4 is aware of the multiple monitors and can set a different backdrop 
on each. 'Maximize' check where the window is located and maximizes in 
that monitor.
> Even if that is the case, I wouldn't believe that you could switch
> virtual desktops independently on each monitor (real or virtual).
> What would happen if you had a window spanning both monitors and
> switched the virtual desktop on one of them?
Like the current behavior in Xinerama, switching virtual monitors 
updates both monitors as if it were one big resolution. In Beryl the 2 
monitors will be put on one side of the cube when switching virtual 
>> This would also come in handy if I want to span a single window over the 
>> 2 virtual desktops, as that would result in one large window, also 
>> without the 6 cm of border...
> Just get a big monitor if it has enough resolution.  Use the "maximize
> vertically" function and then enlarge the window horizontally as much
> as you need.  If you're using Twinview already, this seems like it
> does everything you're currently doing, without the space in between.
> Personally, I like the two 20" 1600x1200 LCDs I have, running as
> independent displays.  Even if I could find a 3200x1200 or larger
> single display (actually, I think IBM made/makes one), it would
> be more expensive than the two I have.  But you have to figure out
> what's most important to you--raw resolution or physical size.
You're right about this part. I assumed that there were bigger monitors 
on the market with reasonable resolutions. The monitors who offer that 
resolution and size are still very expensive, so I'll go with 2x17" or 
2x19". Much cheaper and well supported.

I'd like to close this discussion now, thanking everyone who read and 
replied to it.

I still think that setting up 'virtual monitors on one display' may be 
feasible to some, but the userbase will be small...


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