Xfce 4.4 beta1 released

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Thu Apr 20 03:36:43 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Aaron wrote:

> i believe those are two common problems.
> first, the plugins, dont build with the new panel. theyre being
> rewritten right now to fix that, but you should be able to get the new
> working plugins shortly, if you just asked about this, it could ahve
> saved you alot of time.


> second, i belive xfdesktop needs thunar to build, for some library
> issues. this is a bit annoying, but also solvable, just build thunar,
> then xfdesktop, then rebuild thunar again later.

Incorrect.  Thunar-vfs is only required if you want the file/launcher
desktop icons.  If it's not building correctly without thunar-vfs,
please file a bug.

> also if the problem is simple, feel free to drop into #xfce on
> freenode, most of the time they can help you with quick questions, or
> ever bigger problems. saves you alot of time and grief.

Assuming you don't run into the annoying people who make idling in #xfce

> and also, the thing with desktops, is the xfce team is great, but they
> dont have thousands of people checking their code to make sure
> everything works 100% of the time, unlike the kernel people. if we had
> that many devs, there wouldnt be any errors in xfce, and it would be
> perfecter than it already is.

Thanks for the praise and understanding.  We do this in our spare time,
folks.  Many of us can barely spend a couple hours on Xfce per week.
Some of us even occasionally sacrifice sleep to spend more time on Xfce.
 There just aren't enough hours in the day...


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