Xfce Foundation Classes 4.3.0-Test1

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Tue Jan 18 13:41:45 CET 2005

Jeff Franks wrote:
> Hello guys,

Hey Jeff,

> Congratulations on a job well done! Xfce 4.2 looks very good and runs 
> like a charm. I'd forgotten just how good it was until I installed a 
> vanilla version of FC3 to test RPM builds on, and ran Xfce 4.0.6. Well 
> I've been busy too, trying to make good on my proposal, and I now can. 
> Here are the first testing tarballs for you all to consider:
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gfc/xfccore-4.3.0-test1.tar.bz2?download
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gfc/xfcui-4.3.0-test1.tar.bz2?download
> The code inside these tarballs is not a full distribution release but 
> rather the code as it would appear in the CVS, so you will have to run 
> 'autogen.sh' first and then 'configure'. To properly build the 
> documentation from this state requires Doxygen and Perl, which I'm sure 
> you already have in your /usr/bin. The source code tree is essentially 
> stable, because remember, it was the code for the stable GFC 2.4 
> release, which never happened. I'm very pleased with what's in the 
> tarballs because I've done everything I'd wanted to do when I first made 
> my proposal. Here's a short list:
> *  I made the code changes suggested by Brian.
> *  I finished the NEW documentation, all accessible from the
>    new main page <docs/index.html>. The documentaton uses
>    the same color scheme as the Xfce4 documenation.
> *  The documentation includes a FAQ, numerous  HOWTOs
>    an API reference and a completely new tutorial.
> *  The tutorial is designed so that it can be easily packaged
>    separately or linked to online from news articles and such, as
>    an advertisement for the library.
> *  The makefiles and build options are similar to Xfce4. Running 'make 
> dist'
>    or 'make rpm' work flawlessly. The spec files are based on Xfce4's
>    and are for FC3, because of the 'libsigc++20'  binary and devel
>    prefixes. Some other distributions use libsigc++2, and MDK
>    uses libsigc++-2.0_0 (confusing).
> *  These libraries are for GTK+ 2.4. As they're in CVS I can get started on
>    writing classes for the new GLib and GTK 2.6 objects.
> The links in the documentation bewteen Xfc-Core and Xfc-UI are relative 
> to the installation directory, so some links wont work when run from the 
> source directory. I suggest you install the libraries into your home 
> directory, at least. The files will install into the following 
> directories (and uninstall):
> datafiles => $PREFIX/share/xfc4/xfc
> header files => $PREFIX/include/xfce4/xfc
> xfccore libraries => e.g. $PREFIX/lib/libxfccore-4.3.so.0.0.0
> xfccui libraries => e.g. $PREFIX/lib/libxfcui-4.3.so.0.0.0
> xfccore docs => $PREFIX/share/doc/xcfcore-4.3
> xfcui docs => $PREFIX/share/doc/xfcui-4.3

Nice work! I'll have a closer look into this at home later this day.

> Well that's it, now the rest is up to you. You need to have look at the 
> XFC libraries and decide how you actually want to integrate them into Xfce.

Best would be to import this as a new package "libxfc" or "libxfc4" (do 
we want the "4" in there?).

> Regards,
> Jeff Franks.


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