[RELEASE] 4.2.0 mostly frozen

Rob Lahaye roblahaye at home.nl
Thu Jan 6 03:55:52 CET 2005

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> Rob Lahaye wrote:
>> Benedikt Meurer wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I just checked the xfce_4_2 branch and committed some last
>>> time fixes.   
>> Is this branch available for developpers only? On purpose?
>> I've tried to get it, but was unable to 'cvs update' to it.
>> See my earlier message:
>> http://lunar-linux.org/pipermail/xfce4-dev/2005-January/014246.html
>> Regards,
>> Rob.
> it appears that xfce/CVSROOT/val-tags isn't getting synced between
> the 
> dev CVS and the anon CVS.  not sure if it needs to be, but i guess 
> that's what's causing the problem.  at any rate, it downloads fine
> for 
> me using anoncvs, despite the warning (note that it doesn't say
> "error",  just "warning").

Yes, I know and I was not complaining I couldn't download anything.
I actually can. However, with this Warning, also the tag is ignored
and instead of downloading xfce_4_2 branch, it downloads HEAD.
That's the problem.

As a result, non-developpers cannot access xfce_4_2 branch.
If that's on purpose, then that's fine with me; but then I report
problems AFTER the release :(.


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