Compositor status

Don Christensen djc at
Mon Sep 20 04:36:21 CEST 2004

Just a suggestion, but why not follow the even = stable, odd = development
release schedule like many other projects.  It would mean maintaining two
"official" releases, but it would allow for a stable bug-fix-only release
as well as a not-quite-CVS-bleeding-edge release for slightly more daring.

This would allow the compositor to go into 4.3.0, for example, when it is
stable enough for general consumption by early adopters.  It might help
get more people testing/using new features without them having to go as
far as using CVS.

The etherboot project is a good example, where there are actually two
release managers, one for even and one for odd releases.

Just a thought, anyway...


Randy Chung wrote:
> Why not release an alpha/beta of what's in CVS now, and then release a 
> 4.4 alpha in a few weeks?  Maybe it'll help get people in the swing of 
> releasing a bit more often than once/year.  Granted, a few weeks seems a 
> bit rushed, but the idea is to get people used to releasing code that is 
> stable (even if feature incomplete) and then release again soon 
> afterwards when more features are done.
> -- 
> Randy
> edscott wrote:
>> In that case, I would rather we wait a bit more for the compositor to be
>> included in the alpha. (What's a couple more weeks when compared to a
>> year?)
>> regards,
>> Edscott

Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc at         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
   "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."

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