xfmedia 0.2.0 released

Nikolas Arend Nikolas.Arend at gmx.net
Fri Oct 29 17:25:30 CEST 2004


sorry for posting this here, since Brian asked as to keep xfmedia stuff
off the list. But is there a forum on xfmedia elsewhere
besides the bug report site?
I couldn't manage to play a single mpg file so far, didn't even see the
video window. I have the latest xine-lib and todays CVS
version of xfmedia. What it does when opening an mpg file is either
freeze or crash when trying to look at the file info.
I'll start filing bug reports as soon as I have seen it in action ;-) Is
there anything special to do when playing video files? I looked
at all available documentation, but couldn't find anything that solved
my issues.

Btw., is xfmedia capable of playing DVDs, yet? I didn't see any
dependence on libdvdcss, so I guess not. Will it ever be

Thanks,   Nick.

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:

> hi all-
> xfmedia 0.2.0 is out in the usual place:
> http://spuriousinterrupt.org/projects/xfmedia/
> i've also put up CVSweb if you want to check it out; link is on the 
> webpage.
> notable goodness:
> * multiple crashes when changing streams fixed
> * crash when mousing over the non-fullscreened video window fixed
> * can use goom for audio visualisations (fullscreen or windowed)
> * can use systray icon for playback control, also can minimise to systray
> * added app icon
> * made the control window shorter when the playlist is collapsed
> * fullscreen control bar tweaks
> * ability to add URLs from the GUI
> * startup time is a bit shorter (though i think it could still be better)
> known issues:
> * recursive directory addition doesn't work right
> * GUI will freeze if you try to play a nonexistant file (i'm not sure 
> why; something is locking up in libxine)
> * tray icon doesn't really go away when you uncheck the box
> * tray icon won't reappear if you kill the systray and restart it
> otherwise, i think this is a much more solid release than 0.1.0.  i 
> hope you enjoy it...
>    -brian
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