Xfce 4.2 : user's comments

purslow at sympatico.ca purslow at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 8 16:59:14 CEST 2004

041007 Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> On 10/07/04 09:39, purslow at sympatico.ca wrote:
>> i've now been using 4.2 for  > 1 day  & have had no problems.
>> there are a few small things developers mt like to hear re.
>> (1) session management: in the session i asked to save,
>> i had Lynx & Mutt running, one in an Xterm, the other in Konsole.
>> when i restarted, neither was running, but there was an extra Konsole
>> on a desktop where there had been no terminal in the previous session.
>> no compliant (of course), but it wb nice if the session manager cd start
>> applications running on terminals, not just the raw terminals
>> (AFAIR KDE also falls short on this point).
> unless the terminal app supports remembering stuff like this on its own,
> there's no way for the session manager to know what's running in the term'l.

well, a couple of more recent restarts have indeed started Lynx & Mutt
-- it's really nice that apps which were in the iconbox restart there -- ,
but now Konqueror is not starting, possibly due to an inaccessible site:
my Lynx starts w its local bookmark file, Konqueror w the weather forecast,
so if there is a short delay in finding the latter, Konqueror may abort.

so once more, you are too pessimistic re what Xfce can do (grin)!

>> (2) desktop menu: in the generated part, there are  2  lines
>> 'gwenview' & 'konqueror' w submenus 'Konqueror - set as tiled wallpaper -
>> set as wallpaper' & 'Browse with Gwenview - Rename with &krename -
>> Rename with &KRename': again no complaint, but something is not quite right.
> KDE has some .desktop files that should be marked as KDE-specific
> such that other DEs can avoid including them, but they aren't.
> xfdesktop has a blacklist, but i need to add items to it manually.
> if you can find the .desktop files that are generating these entries,
> open a bug on bugzilla, and attach each .desktop file
> (separate attachments, uncompressed, please).

no sign of anything called  ~/.desktop  nor  ~/kde3.3/.desktop  etc.
if you can tell me just where the session manager looks for apps,
i can search thro' the dirs involved to see what might be causing this.

>> (3) ditto: u 'Settings', there is a line 'instellingen Iconbox':
>> the 1st word looks like German, but my dictionary doesn't know re it:
>> presumably this is a typo of some kind; also, it does seem unnecessary
>> in a submenu called 'Settings' to add the word 'Settings' to so many items.
> if this is for the xfce iconbox, it's a bug in the relevant .desktop file.
> are you using a language other than english?  it appears fine for me.

yes, we are a v multi-cultural city, but no i am using English (smile).
one respondent was irritated that i suggested the word is German
-- apparently, it's Dutch -- , but clearly it shouldn't be there.
also to me, the repetition of the word 'settings' in the menu is clumsy:
any user already knows they're all settings, as that is the menu's name;
however, that's basically a matter of taste, not an actual typo.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : purslow at chass.utoronto.ca
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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