Xfce 4.1 alpha release?

Biju Chacko botsie at xfce.org
Mon Jun 28 14:11:14 CEST 2004

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:36:23 +0200
Olivier <fourdan at xfce.org> wrote:

> We really need a release, writing code is great, but if noone use it,
> it's useless. Remember, we've been thru this before, with 4.0 release.

You were talking about an *alpha* release right? They're *supposed* to
be unstable.

I generally believe in "release early, release often". Ship broken code
and you're likely to inspire someone to patch it.

-- b

botsie at xfce.org                                       bchacko at redhat.com
               Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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