.desktop files for settings panels

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Thu Feb 26 08:43:25 CET 2004

Op do 26-02-2004, om 05:27 schreef Brian J. Tarricone:
> i'd like to make .desktop files for the settings panels so they can be 
> automatically included in the menu depending on whether or not the app 
> that it 'belongs to' is installed or not.  i've come up with the 
> following scheme:
> desktop file: xfce-$(panelname)-settings.desktop (installed to 
> $datadir/applications)
> Name in desktop file: Xfce4 $(panelname) Settings
> icon file name: xfce4-$(panelname).png (installed to $datadir/pixmaps)
> my reasoning on leaving the '4' off of the filename is basically because 
> the 'registered environment' in the spec for the xfce desktop is simply 
> "XFCE" and not "XFCE4", and i think from that perspective the .desktop 
> files should be namespaced in "xfce".  i put the '4' in the displayed 
> name so as to be clearer to the user, and the '4' is in the icon file on 
> the off chance that there's a conflict with and already-installed icon.

Sounds very good. Should the icon be in $datadir/pixmaps or in
$datadir/themes/default/32x32/apps/ or something?

We should have more desktop files, probably. At least things like xffm
and xfrun, and perhaps even panel, iconbox, taskbar.

> as a sample, i've already commited xfce-backdrop-settings.desktop:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Name=Xfce4 Backdrop Settings
> Comment=Settings for the Xfce 4 Backdrop
> Exec=xfce-setting-show backdrop
> Icon=xfce4-backdrop.png
> Terminal=false
> Type=Application
> Categories=X-XFCE;Settings;DesktopSettings;
> OnlyShowIn=XFCE;
> the one oddity- "XFCE" is a registered environment for the "OnlyShowIn" 
> case, but isn't a registered category.  thus, per the spec, its category 
> must be "X-XFCE".

Ok, but we should request an XFCE category too (if the others have one

> questions:
> 1) what do we think about my naming conventions?

Perfect ;-)

> 2) should "Gtk;" also be listed in the "Categories" string?

Nah, perhaps for our 'real' programs, like xffm.

> 3) capitalisation and spacing: Xfce4? Xfce 4? xfce4?  xfce 4?  etc.

Xfce 4

> 4) assuming we're agreed on the above, can i go ahead and start creating 
> and committing files for all the modules that provide settings panels?

Go ahead.

> sorry if all this sounds very nitpicky, but i'm very much a details guy...

Please, don't let us stop you ;-)

Some other stuff about the settings manager:

* I'd really like to start using the icons Nikola posted a while ago (I
have them somewhere).

* All our icons should use the icon theme if possible.

* All settings dialogs should use the same icon size in their header.
Olivier uses 32x32, so let's use that. At least the panel and xffm use


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