[a.lerche at gmx.net: Tasklist Plugin]

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Sun Apr 18 21:32:51 CEST 2004

On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 21:33, LiNuCe wrote:
>     - make use of netk_create_window_menu() instead of the CVS only 
> netk_create_window_action_menu() : it allow the plugin to work with XFCE 
> 4.0.5. Drawback : the action submenu for each entry is lost. It's not a 
> drawback for me has I just want window to be activated :)

Well, I think this one is important by itself as the action menu in
libxfcegui4 head as no "activate" option and that makes the plugin as it
was quite useless (IMO)

>     - make use of "activate" signal instead of "button_press_event" to 
> activate a window when clicking on its menu item because :

Yeap, it's definitely better.

 - Olivier Fourdan - fourdan at xfce.org - http://www.xfce.org - 

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