xffm - feature requests and bugs

Sridhar R sridharinfinity at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 27 12:00:06 CET 2003


these might be helpful

1. (*)icon views, etc .. as in Windows Explorer!

2. Toolbar icon for "delete to WB without

3. tree view - expanding empty directories should
display "empty" msg or hide the arrow instead of
showing a empty row

4. In File-props dialog provide text-entry instead of
label for filename so that it can be edited (renamed)

5. after renaming a file(its ext is changed), the icon
of that file is not changed correspondingly. Not
refreshed.  This makes me to think there is a general

6. More than one way of opening files - Double 
clicking on a file will	open that file using a
specified program.  Suppose I want to open
that file in a different way, one way is by 
providing a shortcut (eg. Shift+DblClick) and 
other way is including a entry in the 
right-click menu
	For eg. instead of simply playing that file in xmms
(which overrights previous playlist) I can right 
click the click	on "Enqueue in xmms..." entry or
Shift+DblClk it!

7. File-RightClick->Open->OpenWith.. shows a widget on
top of fm.  
	The entry should contains the default program to open
that file initially which will replaced by the user,
instead of simply	showing first entry in the history

This is actually a (serious) bug

8. On mail toolbar, there are "back", "forward", "up"
buttons.  when your browsing say the bookmarks "book"
or applications "applications", on clicking on them 
(back, fwd, up buttons) the effect is not on current
browsing path, but only on the "home" directory.
	If not clear, add some directories to bookmarks
"book". And browse through it and press one of the 3

9. when printing into message box bellow say when
clicking on help->about	how to stop those annoying
long scrolling messages!

10. when priviewing pictures in xffm, they take longer
when directory containing many pictures. the only
solutions is load the filenames and other attrs first
and load the thumbnails incremently (as in
nautilus),during which the user may cancel it any time
by switching to	different directory.


| Sridhar R
| Best advice: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html

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