Some Fancy Options.

Biju Chacko biju_chacko at
Mon Oct 13 04:08:01 CEST 2003

On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 13:35:30 -0200, Alexandre Araujo Moreira wrote:

>  Well... I don't know if I'm the only one who doesn't like this but... I 
>  think there should be an option to turn off the tear-off and 'Add 
>  Launcher' buttons from the popup menus on the Panel. I know there is 
>  such a cmopile time option to do that.... but I've been thinking about 
>  having it in a Properties Dialog for each popup (or some sort of global 
>  feature)

I'm not clear *why* you want this feature. What are you trying to achieve?
Perhaps we can suggest an alternative method.

-- b

Biju 'botsie' Chacko                        biju_chacko at vsnl dot net          Public Key available on request

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