XFDesktop configurable menu

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Tue Feb 4 16:55:50 CET 2003

On 04 Feb 2003 20:18:42 +0530
Biju Chacko <biju_chacko at vsnl.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just committed some changes to xfdesktop for a simple configurable
> menu. It uses an xml format and looks for either
> $sysconfig/xfce4/menu.xml or $HOME/.xfce4/menu.xml as a data file.

Great! Without looking at the code yet, I can say that it works for me.

> The xml format is pretty self evident, I'll write a DTD later. If you
> can't figure it out, drop me or the list a line.

Well, we don't really need that, do we? Unless we're not going to
validate menus before parsing them ...

The default file is a bit ambiguous though:

<app name="Terminal" cmd="xterm" in-term="no" icon="xterm.png"/>
<app name="Midnight Commander" cmd="mc" term="yes"/>

^^ term or in-term? (term would be better). Also it doesn't have to be
human readable, so "y" and "n" or even "1" and "0" are perhaps faster to
parse ... nah, on second thought, that won't make much difference (I'm
talking to my self, is that a sign of insanity? :).

> A XFDeskmenu to XFDesktop converter is in the works and should be done
> tomorrow.

Cool, but not that important.

> A menu editor is a substantially bigger job, but is also on my TODO
> list. I think it may be necessary to have it ready for this release
> because I think people will howl if they are told they have to edit an
> xml file by hand to configure their menu.

This would be really good to have.

> As always, the usual caveats apply: I have *no idea* of what I'm
> doing, but it works for me. YMMV. :-)

Pretty good results for random typing ;-)

> Comments/Clean ups of my code are welcome ... in fact are demanded!
> :-)

I'll go read it now.


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