xffm issues

edscott wilson garcia edscott at imp.mx
Sat Aug 16 05:03:17 CEST 2003

Hi Danny,

On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 15:30, Danny wrote:
> Hi, Edscott ! :)
> Here are a few things I found out while moving data (~100 GB in small
> files) out of one (damaged) partition to another one O_O
> 1) the file manager has folder "a" marked and opened, however when I go
> to a shell, delete the folder (among others, with wildcards): xffm
> crashes

Please generate a traceback if you can reproduce the situation.

> 2) newly added files go even above the ".." entry... is that intentional
> ?
> example:
> file1.zip
> ..
> file2.zip

It means the monitor option has "found" the new file. I like new files
to go on top, but you can also use the mcs_manager to make xffm put them
on the bottom. They will be sorted if requested by the user or if the
directory is reloaded.

> 3) the order which the folder is usually sorted will be distorted by
> dropping new files into the folder (thats good), but the menu thinks
> they are still sorted and doesnt let me really sort them f.e.by name
> again (thats bad)

The menu is to change the sort method, and resorts only if the sort
method has changed. What you want is to click on the "refresh" item
which is the first menu entry. That will resort and find anything new
that has been missed without changing the sort method. The selected sort
method can be different for different folders on the same level, but
subfolders inherit sort method from parent (until you change it with the
popup menu, of course).

> 4) what is the keyboard shortcut for "rename" ? 

Rename, ctrl-R

> What about
> re-implementing shortcut-by-pressing-key-in-popup in the future;)

I don't understand what you mean :-( 

> 5) the file is not selected anymore after renaming, which is bad when I
> rename a file and then intend to move it (f.e. when renaming 1000504905
> from lost+found to dtt001.zip and intending to move it to "dtt"...)

Since it receives a new name it does not seem logical for it to remain
selected since it is no longer the object of the selection, but yes, a
way to move a file from one folder to another and receive a different
name is missing. Something like: 

"mv /lost+found/xxx /dtt/dtt001.zip"

I wonder how that can be done in the dnd cut+paste environment...

> 6) when dragging a folder, the view does not scroll when I reach the
> borders - f. e. if I want to drop it into a folder which is not
> currently in the visible area (I bet this is gtk issue)

Yes. This is the second time it is noticed. AFAICT, it is a bit
complicated to implement so it has been postponed to 4.2 so that it will
not introduce bugs for 4.0. Make sure it's in the Wiki TODO so we won't

> 7) when marking multiple files, and then using the mouse to drag the
> selection, the selection gets reset to 1 file... I suppose this is a gtk
> issue, but anyways... aaargh annoying;)

gtk issue, yes, but easy to overcome once you get the hang of it. You
can begin the drag as soon as the selection is finished without raising
the button. If you forget, you can always ctrl click on the last item
twice and begin to drag before you release the second ctrl-click. 

> 8) when moving a directory, and the file permissions of any subdirectory
> disallows moving/writing-to-directory-list (u-w), then the move is
> incomplete as some files remain at the source. If I then drag the
> remaining files to the same destination, it asks about overwriting
> folders / deleting stuff instead of just updating the already existant
> folders.

On purpose. If a directory with the same name is found, it does not know
why it is there and it will ask you if you want to move it to the trash
or delete by overwriting. It's just a safeguard against mistakes. 

> Also, what about automatically doing chmod u+w for moved folders and
> subfolders ? (perhaps remembering which and resetting them to the
> original state after the move)

Moved and copied folders and files should have the same mode as the
originals. If it is not working this way, it would be a bug. Files
should even get the same modification date as the originals to
distinguish that the content is the same.

> 9) not having the size of the contents of each folder, I managed to fill
> up my backup partition all the time because I just didn't know on a whim
> what size the folders were... (yes I know about the "calculate size"
> menu item)

Having to do a "du -s" on each folder would slow xffm down, even more
than all the gtk2 overhead has already. 

> 10) there is a "scp before rsync" option which implies that scp is
> supported, but how to connect to a host via scp using xffm ? :)

Say you open xffm on box 1. Then you ssh to box 2 and open xffm on box 2
but on the same display. Now you have two instances of xffm running on
different machines. If you drag and drop from one to the other, copying
will be done by the receiving box by either:

scp-before-rsync   rsh-before-ssh
yes                  yes  --->  rcp
no                   yes  --->  rsync --rsh=rsh
yes                  no   --->  scp
no                   no   --->  rsync --rsh=ssh

The reason for flexibility is that depending on the platform and
configuration of the boxes one method might work better than another.
Definitely YMMV with each method.



> Everything else works fine though :)
> cheers,
>   Danny
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