
Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Thu Aug 7 08:13:42 CEST 2003

Op do 07-08-2003, om 07:37 schreef Biju Chacko:
> Hi,
> I just uploaded xfce4-minicmd-plugin to berlios CVS. Minicmd puts a
> small entry widget onto your panel. You can execute programs by typing
> their names in the widget and hitting <Enter> or <Ctrl>-<Enter>. The
> latter runs the command in a terminal.
> It maintains history which is shared with xfrun4. The history can be
> accessed by <Up> and <Down>.
> I couldn't figure out how to do a file release, so currently it's only
> available on berlios.de CVS.

hmm, the file release system seems to not work correctly. I made a file
release, but there is now a 0 byte file :( The file didn't get moved
from the ftp incoming dir. I'll try again later.


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