Status of xfce 4

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Tue Apr 1 22:43:48 CEST 2003

Hi Mike,

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 21:55, BluPhoenyx wrote:
> Is this planned functionality? When working with this xsm setup I used Xfwm4 as 
> the window manager. Things worked ok for Xfce4 programs but others exhibit this 
> problem as they aren't session aware.

If xfwm4 can log to a session manager, it saves the state of the desktop
and will put windows back to their place as they reappear at next logon.

The session-id is used to identify the application/window, but non
session aware apps have no such session-id. In that case, xfwm4 tries to
use other methods to identify the window and restore the
position/geometry. That might fail in some case (the only reliable
method is session-id)

> Which brings up a question. Will there ever be similar functionality such as version 
> 3 where you can define window options. IE, no title or sticky etc?

Short answer, no.

Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at>

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