Xfwm 4 screen captures

Joakim Andreasson joakim.andreasson at gmx.net
Wed May 8 04:07:42 CEST 2002

On Tue, 7 May 2002 21:20:42 +0200, Jasper Huijsmans
<j.b.huijsmans at hetnet.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, 7 May 2002 13:15:49 -0400 (EDT)
> Joe Klemmer <klemmerj at webtrek.com> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > On Tue, 7 May 2002, Javanx wrote:
> > 
> > 	First, please make sure your mail client wraps your text 
> > correctly.  It's difficult to read/respond to these long lines that
> > aren't wrapped.
> > 
> > > > > http://www.xfce.org/archive/xfwm4-mofit.png     
> > > > 
> > > > 	Holy Grace Hopper!!!
> > > 
> > > A lot of people don't like the CDE style of the Panel, I think that
> > > it would be very cool to be able to use themes and things like that
> > > on the panel, not just pixmaps themes and things like that but real
> > > themes so that it would be possible to costumize animation when
> > > launching an application, position of the buttons and clock ecc.
> > 
> > 	As long as there is a CDE/Motif/Motif+ theme I'm happy.  There's
> > 	nothing bad about having as many different looks as possible.
> >  
> Frankly, Joe, I'm shocked ;-) You're really supposed to say no here, or
> So, in case you won't object, I will.
> Until now the similarity to CDE has been one of the defining features of
> the project. I would be hesitant to throw that away too easily (mind you
> I don't even know CDE myself). 
> Especially if the requested features of OS X are the transparancy, the
> dropshadows and the dock animations it does not fit very well with the
> goal of the project to be leightweight. 
> I'm affraid the system load will already increase a lot because of the
> use of GTK2. Keeping the themeing system as simple as possible should be
> a priority. 
> For people wanting to work with OS X-like systems wouldn't windowmaker
> or even a much customized GNOME be a more suitable choice?
> Anyway, these are just my opinions at the moment. I'm willing to be
> convinced of other viewpoints ;-)
> BTW, I'm trying to port the panel to GTK2 at the moment and I would like
> to here any specific ideas about improvements to the panel or missing
> feature that you can't live without or, even better, existing features
> that you can't live with.

Ok, you asked. The following are some things I've been thinking of from
time to time, although I could live without them.

1. More "object orientation" in the panel launchers. As of now, you kan
drag an executable from frex xftree to the "Add icon..." fields on top of
the subpanel and create an entry in the subpanel to launch it. How about
allow dragging of other fileypes and have the resulting entries opening
these files with the applications defined for their types in frex
xtree.reg or wherever such associations are to be made in xfce4? (Gnome,
KDE, CDE and Windows from v3.x IIRC allows this, or something like it in their contexts.)  

2. Defining the panel launcher structure with a directory tree containing
*.deskop files, which could then be edited with a file manager. This is
the way other Desktop Environments does it, although it might add
unnecessary complexity as compared to a "single file" design. It would,
however, allow greater compatibility with other environments, and be more
standards compliant.

3. Animated trashcan! Like the CDE!!! Ok, not that one. I'll shut up now.


> greetings,
> 	Jasper
> > > Currently there is a main interest in the MacOsX gui, I think that
> > > it would be quite cool to make a panel that looks like the macos one
> > > and acts like that.
> > 
> > 	I like the Mac OS X gui, too.  My 5 year old son can work the
> > 	iMac I have better than I can.  The aqua theme that Olivier had
> > 	in the screen shots looked pretty nice as an OS X look-alike.
> > 
> > - -- 
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