Issues with 4.16.2 on Slackware64-15.0

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Sun Apr 23 17:39:53 CEST 2023

On Sun, 2023-04-23 at 07:44 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> 1) I have 8 workspaces defined, but they are not present on panel 2 along
> the bottom of the screen. The panel has launchers, but no workspaces. What
> Setting tool do I use to add the workspaces to the panel?


I don't know, but you probably could add a workspace thingy to that
panel. However, we are free to use whatever WM or WM + DE we want to use
with whatsoever so panel. You do not need to use xfce4-panel, if you
like to stay with the xfce4 DE. You can use another panel. I'm in favour
of a combination of fbpanel and xlpanel, using openbox without a DE at
all, but some xfce4 goodies. While I dislike xfce4-panel, I suspect that
you can continue to use xfce4-panel, but get what you want. What are the
steps you did, that failed to provide what you want to get?

> 2) My /home director has, so far, a few directories defined. On the Display
> settings I've turned off all menus and options. Why do I see icons for each
> directory in ~/ and a USB flash drive when it's installed? I prefer an empty
> desktop (I'll find wallpapers for it) with only panel2 and gkrellem running.
> This is a start. :-) I think there are more issues but these two, especially
> #1, are the most important.

Again, I don't know. However, what I do is starting with my favourite
WM, no DE at all, but I use software e.g. intended for usage with the
Xfce4 DE. Another starting point for me is to satisfy hard dependencies
against gvfs by empty dummy packages, that fake to provide gvfs. You
mentioned "~/", but you are probably suffering from icons on

In my nowadays limit experiences with Xfce4 you should be able to get
rid of icons on your desktop, even without abandon gvfs. IOW what are
the steps that you were doing that failed to get rid of icons of mounted
devises on the desktop.


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