Launcher problem

Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI renaud at
Mon Jun 29 17:33:49 CEST 2020

I have been having a problem with LibreCAD, the font size used for the menus, the menu bar, and the status bar are so small that the program is unusable as it is.

Found a solution which is to launch it from the CLI with xrandr --dpi 96 && librecad, which solves the font size problem.

So I tried to put that in my LibreCAD launcher, replacing librecad %F with /usr/bin/xrandr --dpi 96 && librecad %F 

Sadly, it does not work, and librecad does not start.

Am I missing something ?
              Insanity is hereditary: You get it from your kids.
                                                 -- Sam Levenson
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