Why CSD?

Andrzej andrzejr at xfce.org
Mon Oct 21 18:51:45 CEST 2019

I would not like to see any part of Xfce rely, use or even endorse CSD. 
Please, just scrap these plans. Honestly, it's a bit of a shock, I 
though the consensus was we stand by our users.

Definitely Scenario 4 from me.

If a third party application requests that - fine, display it without 
the title bar. But given the split in the community and strong opinions 
surrounding this topic, even that should be left to the user.



On 21/10/2019 15:18, jEsuSdA 8) wrote:
> Hi!
> I just read this piece of news:
> https://simon.shimmerproject.org/2019/10/19/xfce-4-15-development-phase-starting/
> Where we can read the new plans to add CSD to XFCE.
> I also read https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.16/roadmap/general_ui/csd
> But I still no understanding the actual benefits of switching to CSD 
> paradigm.
> What are the benefits of migrating to CSD?
> I ask this cause In my opinion, mixing normal and CSD is a pain. There 
> is no way to have a uniform experience and appearance when using 
> almost tall GTK themes but the awful Adwaita and window composition 
> like Compiz, Compton, etc. and I had to make some tricks to avoid some 
> CSD effects.
> In my opinion, HeaderBars are a non-sense. You only have a good 
> desktop experience when you only use CSD+HeaderBars apps, which is 
> impossible cause a normal user uses a lot of applications that does 
> not follow these UI Guidelines. Also a normal user uses QT 
> applications inside GTK environments. At least you have no plans to 
> use HeaderBar, which is good news.
> In the screenshots we can see at 
> https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.16/roadmap/general_ui/csd there are 
> some cases we can see how the XFCE consistency breaks:
> https://wiki.xfce.org/_media/releng/4.16/roadmap/general_ui/notifyd.png
> https://wiki.xfce.org/_media/releng/4.16/roadmap/general_ui/notifyd-csd.png
> - If you configures XFWM to not showing the icon in the window border, 
> when using CSD the icon could appears in left-top corners.
> - The window title border size is not the same in CSD windows and 
> Non-CSD ones.
> - You can minimize, roll, maximize and close the non-CSS windows, but 
> you only can close the CSD ones.
> - What if the XFWM is configured to not using composition (so windows 
> have no shadows) and CSD windows forces shadows?
> - And, what if you are using a configuration of composition with 
> shadows and CSD have shadows too? (I use compton and I have to tweak 
> the CSS theme to avoid CSD shadows, cause, if not all the CSD windows 
> have 2 shadows)
> I’m a bit worried about the new CSD implementation. So, please, help 
> us to understand why this is preferable.
> Thanks a lot!
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