Survey: vertical vs deskbar panel

Peter F. Patel-Schneider pfpschneider at
Mon Mar 6 15:53:20 CET 2017

On 03/06/2017 06:38 AM, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 14:57:35 +0100
> killermoehre <killermoehre at> wrote:
>> Who is using the panel in vertical mode instead of deskbar mode and why?
>> Feel free to answer. Please also mention if there is any plugin usable
>> for you only in vertical mode. Suggestions how to improve plugins in
>> deskbar mode are also welcome.
> Using two, one horizontal at the bottoms of the screen, and one vertical on the left side.
> Cheers,
> Ron.

I use precisely the same setup.

Vertical space is much more precious than horizontal space, particularly with
the ubiquitous 16:9 screens.   A panel on the top consumes space unless it is
auto-hiding, and then it obscures window titles when unhid.  An auto-hiding
panel on the bottom consumes only a small bit of space and when unhid it
generally doesn't obscure anything important.

Some plugins don't work as well in vertical mode.  I put up with the poor
layout of network monitor in vertical mode because I want to see the
information is presents.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

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